President David Saad called the meeting to order by roll call vote at 7:00pm
MOTION MADE: Michael Dressler
SECOND BY: Peter Hoogerzeil
VOTED: DS: Yes, MD Yes, JSM Yes PH Yes DT Yes
Attendees:12 individuals attended/11 votes to count-sign in sheets attached
Introduction: Dave Saad explained to the audience the process that brought the Board to this point and gave instructions on how we would read each section of the proposed By-Law revision and stop for questions at the end of each section. Dave then introduced Andrea Rosseter.
Andrea Rosseter read through each section and addressed any questions presented.
Seeing none, at the end of the reading Dave Saad called for a vote.
MOTION MADE: Michael Dressler to accept as presented.
SECOND BY: Jeffrey Starr Mararian
VOTED: Voting Members in attendance approved as presented 11-0
MOTION MADE: Jeffrey Starr Mararian to adjourn at 8:30pm
SECOND BY: Peter Hoogerzeil
VOTE: DS: Yes, MD: Yes, JSM: Yes, PH: Yes, DT: Yes
Approved Date:
Respectfully submitted by:
Doreen Taylor, Clerk
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